Kelsey Morrison

  • Hometown: White River, SD

  • High School: White River High School

  • College: Dakota Wesleyan University

  • Major: Biology

Kelsey is a currently a sophomore with plans of earning a Doctorate in Optometry. She is dedicated to her community and plans to use this degree to return to Rosebud and open her own eyecare business. Kelsey does it all. Not only was she the valedictorian in high school (top 1% in the entire State in fact), but she ran 6am - 8pm days to stay as involved as she could in everything she could including theater, work, and sports. On sports, she was the MVP of her Volleyball team that won the Lakota Nation Invitational and placed 11th overall in the State B golf tournament. She continues to play golf in college and has played in Varsity tournaments. Kelsey attributes her extreme success and boundless aspirations to her parents, Christian and Tricia Morrison, and to her aunt, Roxie Schescke, who owned her own company. Her aunt was one of the greatest people she knew and inspired in her a sense of kindness, generosity, and love that she will carry with her forever.


Tatewin Lamb


J'Angela Riley