Amia Roach-Valandra

  • Hometown: Rosebud, SD

  • High School: White River High School

  • College: University of Southern California

  • Major: Human Health and Sciences

Amia is currently a junior preparing herself for a career in the medical field to eventually accomplish her goal of working at the IHS (Indian Health Services) hospital branch in Rosebud. She wants to set new policies and expectations that change things for the better and allow her people to receive the proper healthcare that they deserve. The hospital currently does not have many resources, so patients often have to go far away to get the care they need. Amia has so far prepared herself well for the change that she wants to make by putting an incredible amount of effort into her studies and leadership development. She takes on internships every summer, has done fellowships with organizations like Teach For America, and holds two leadership positions at USC: Diversity Recruitment Leader for the Office of Admissions and Co-Director of Cultural and Community Outreach for the Native American Student Assembly. She is setting an example for so many people back home by going to school so far away and succeeding mightily. She is showing youth what is possible and breaking generational cycles.


Colbe Scott


Heather Wright