• Hometown: Mission, SD

  • High School: Todd County High School

  • College: Oglala Lakota College

  • Major: Business Administration

Heather Wright

Heather is a current senior at Oglala Lakota College. Her ultimate goal is to give back to her people by either working for the Rosebud Sioux Tribe or owning her own business. She wants to inspire tribal members to become more independent and sovereign by building businesses in Rosebud to circulate money in Rosebud’s economy instead of outside ones. She is a single mother of 7 kids and has been putting herself through school on and off for 15 years now. A former CNA, she is extremely proud of her work in hospice care, giving the elderly hope when they felt like no one was there for them. She hopes to translate this deep passion for others into her next career in business. Her life as had challenges, but she relies on the lessons her late grandfather taught her. He was in the military and even played for the Harlem Globetrotters. She would tend to chores with him around the farm and go to church every Sunday. Heather is phenomenal and the world is lucky to have her.


Amia Roach-Valandra


Matilda Anderson