Brooke Burnette

  • Hometown: Ring Thunder, SD

  • High School: Todd County High School

  • College: South Dakota State University

  • Major: Journalism

Brooke is a currently a sophomore and an extremely passionate writer. It does not matter what it is, she will just write forever! She is a journalist through and through and loves listening to other people’s stories and putting them on paper. When she was young, she never saw Native people in mainstream media and now wants to change that. She desires to be a positive role model for her nieces by showing them that the voices of indigenous women matter. Her home and her people are extremely important to her and she plans to use her education to amplify Sicangu Lakota voices. She taking full advantage of her college experience by taking Lakota language classes, writing for the school’s newspaper “The Collegian”, and even visiting New Zealand to gain a broader perspective on challenges indigenous people face. Brooke is amazing and credits her mother for inspiring her to be all she can, as she has a double master’s degree, and her grandmother for giving her a rock-solid work ethic.


Dylan Marshall


Bailey Waln